
Creating a Field Mapping involves two majors actions:

  • Defining a custom field on Panora’s side
  • Mapping it to a field from your customer’s software.

In this video we define a field and then once a connection is available we fetch fields inside your user’s software so you can map the custom field with Panora.

In our case we first creating a custom field inside Hubspot called favorite_color and then we do the field mapping within Panora.

You must have a connection, hence a valid linked user so you can create custom fields on their behalf. In this example, we create the custom field in the linked user software but in real use case it would be already done by him and Panora would fetch all fields to map.

Create a custom field mapping using our UI dashboard


Login to your Dashboard

Login to your account dashboard and click on Configuration section and go to tab Field Mapping.


Define your custom field

Click Define a custom field. Select a unified object you want to extend, and give your custom field a slug and a friendly name. You also need to select a data type.


Map your custom field to a remote field

Now, click on the Map a custom field button. To finish the mapping, select the custom field you just created, and fill the fields Provider and Linked User Id.


You will now find all the fields your user has in its software. Pick the one that you want to map to. Click Map.

Create a custom field mapping using our API

The following example creates a custom field mapping in two steps (define and map) where we map a remote field called hair_color_hubspot_123_id (existing in the Husbpot provider) and mapping it to the crm.contact unified model of Panora under the name of hair_color.

Create custom field
curl --request POST \
         --url https://api.panora.dev/field_mappings \
         --header 'x-api-key: <api-key>' \
         --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
         --data '{
            "object_type_owner": "crm.contact",
            "name": "hair_color",
            "description": "My hair_color field mapping",
            "data_type": "text",
            "source_custom_field_id": "hair_color_hubspot_123_id",  # id of the remote field inside the remote provider
            "source_provider": "hubspot",
            "linked_user_id": "acme_customer_a"
You may want to define it in two steps if you miss some information to map in the 1st step.

The following example creates a custom field mapping in two steps (define and map) where we map a remote field called hair_color_hubspot_123_id (existing in the Husbpot provider) and mapping it to the crm.contact unified model of Panora under the name of hair_color.