
Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • An account on our cloud (⏱️ 15sec) or Panora Running on your machine (⏱️ 1 min self-hosting guide here)
  • An API key (⏱️ 1 min guide guide here)
  • A free Hubspot account (signup here - use a disposable email if you prefer)

Step 1: Getting access to your users data

There are two ways for a user to grant you access to their data:

Magic Links help you invite your users to grant you access to their data without a dedicated website. Let’s now create our first magic link!


Login to your account dashboard

Go to Connections section and click button Create a Magic Link


Click Create a Unique Magic Link

You’ll be asked for two informations: an Origin User Email (of the user you’re creating the link for) and an Origin User Identifier. The Origin User Identifier is the id of the user you’re inviting, as represented in your sofwtare. If you already have created a Linked User you have the option to select it.


Click Generate

Now, for the purpose of this tutorial, open the magic link you just created and login using the Hubspot account you previously created

Step 2: Grab the connection token

Connection tokens are the way Panora represents a third party’s account, whatever the underlying identification mechanism is. There are two ways to get these tokens: catching them with a webhook, or just finding them in your dashboard. For now, we’ll stick to the dashboard.

To find the connection token in the dashboard, visit the connections section. Copy the connection token from its column and save it.

Step 3: Make your first API requests

Let’s list the contacts that are in the Hubspot acccount, using Panora’s API.

This will require you to have:

  • The connection token from the previous step
  • An API key (guide here)
  • You don’t need to create contacts, since Hubspot accounts come with mockup contacts included.

The API key identifies YOU as a user of Panora, while the connection token identifies which user’s account you behalf you want to. In the future, you will have one connection token per user account connected on the Panora platform, while keeping one API key.

You can copy past the Curl example below, and copy-paste it in your terminal. Don’t forget to replace the API key and the connection token.

ONLY SELFHOST: Replace with http://localhost:3000. If you use the SDK, include serverURL: 'http://localhost:3000' in the Panora client

const panora = new Panora({
  serverURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
  apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,

Let’s break down what we did in this tutorial:

  • We created a Magic Link to let a user grant us access to its account
  • After he connected its account, Panora synced data with Hubspot
  • We used a connection token and our Panora API key to make our first request to the Panora API

Suggested Next Steps

Amazing! You’ve successfully sent your first unified API request with Panora! Here are some next steps to continue your learning journey:

API resources: Check our API documentation for more details on the available endpoints and parameters.

Check our SDKs: Typescript for a set of tools to make it easier for you to build with and integrate Panora into your applications.